Monday, December 14, 2015

Motorola Droid Turbo 2 review

I'm biking through Brooklyn when the Droid Turbo 2 slips from my hand and smacks the pavement. For any other phone, this would be a disaster — a spiderweb of cracks across the screen, if not a totally smashed pane of glass sending tiny shards everywhere. But this is the Droid Turbo 2, so things are different. When I pick up the phone, there isn't a single new scratch on it's screen. It's just ready to go.
The Droid Turbo 2 is the latest flagship in Motorola's Droid line for Verizon. It's an iteration on Motorola’s well-received Moto X Pure Edition and Moto X Play, with a few key changes inside and out. The most notable, of course, is that screen: Motorola says that it's created the first ever "shatterproof" smartphone display, and it's debuting on the Turbo 2. Motorola's promise is that no matter how many times you drop this phone — so long as you aren't actively trying to torture it — the Turbo 2's screen won't crack or shatter.
It's an appealing promise, especially since broken smartphone screens are among the biggest scourges of modern technology. I see people reading and playing games on cracked smartphone screens every single day on the subway. And while there are no perfect numbers on how widespread this is, the figures out there suggest broken screens are a huge problem. The research firm IBISWorld found that a quarter of all US smartphone repairs are to service broken screens; similarly, in a study on iPhones, warranty company SquareTrade found that a quarter of all people had broken their screen at some point. So surely, there ought to be interest in an unbreakable smartphone screen.
If you've seen a Motorola phone in the last two years, then you'll recognize the Turbo 2. Gone is (most of) the embarrassing robo-grunge Droid aesthetic that's plagued earlier models in the line, and in is Motorola's standard design language. Motorola basically put no extra effort into styling this thing — and that was an absolutely wonderful decision. The Turbo 2 looks and feels good. There's a plastic front rim, a thick piece of metal running around all four sides, and then a back plate that can be customized by buyers. The unit Motorola lent me has a fairly tame, textured, white back, which is nice, but not what I would have picked out. The colorful backs are much more interesting, and the white front just has too many sensors sticking out.
In the center of that is the Turbo 2's 5.4-inch display, which is really the entire story of this phone. It's a perfectly fine size, slightly smaller than the Moto X Play and slightly bigger than last year's Turbo; bezels are narrow, so it's easy enough to use (mostly) one-handed even for a person like myself with smaller hands.
Motorola isn't lying when it says this screen can't be shattered. In my week with the phone, I've dropped it down flights of stairs, let it fall out of my pocket and onto the sidewalk time and again, and knocked it off of tables, chairs, and desks, all without sending a crack rippling across it. By all means, my Turbo 2 should be a mess — I've put it through more knocks and spills in a week than most phones will receive over two years — but its screen remains in impressive shape. (I tried to put the Turbo 2 through the type of falls a phone might reasonably encounter; CNN managed to put a huge dent in one by having a horse step on it.)
But note that Motorola doesn't say the Turbo 2's screen is unbreakable. It is, simply, "shatterproof," and there's a big difference between the two. While the screen has yet to shatter on the Turbo 2 I've been using, it has picked up a few small dings along the way, which hover over the display like little smudges that you can't wipe away. The screen is also extremely sensitive to scratches, picking up several after just a few minutes sharing a pocket with my keys.
Motorola makes no promises about the Turbo 2's body holding up either, although it's done well over the course of the many drops I've put it through. The metal band around its side has scratched and chipped, and some plastic on the corners has crumpled up. It doesn't weather beautifully, but I'm impressed that it isn't in much worse shape. I suspect many other phones would be.
So yes, the Turbo 2's screen can be damaged if you keep on dropping it. But the takeaway isn’t that Motorola did an imperfect job — it’s that the Turbo 2 can take a beating and only show small signs of wear. My use of the Turbo 2 isn't going to be typical, either. Optimally, no one will ever drop this (or any other) phone. But if you do drop the Turbo 2 every once in a while, it'll more than likely come out unscathed or close to it. And though the screen can still pick up a ding or two, that's far less of an issue than a series of cracks. (Motorola will even replace the display if it does shatter or crack within four years of purchase.)

To make a screen that won't break, Motorola did two main things. First, it put a back-up touch layer above the display, since touch-sensitivity often breaks even when the screen does not. And second, it essentially built a screen protector into the phone. Rather than having a smooth layer of glass over top the display like other high-end smartphones, the Turbo 2 has two plastic layers, the topmost of which is said to be coated to protect against dents and scratches.
The use of plastic — and multiple layers of it — may be a necessity when it comes to achieving Motorola's "shatterproof" goal, but it leads to several downsides. Most notably, the Turbo 2's display isn’t as nice as those on comparable smartphones. Text appears slightly soft, and colors are somewhat dull. It really stands out when you put the Turbo 2 side by side with the Moto X Pure Edition. While the Pure Edition has a lower pixel density (both have a Quad HD resolution), it looks sharper and more vibrant. Part of that is certainly the Pure Edition’s glass cover, but you have to wonder how the Turbo 2's AMOLED display comes off duller than the Pure Edition's LCD.
While the Turbo 2 may have a worse display than the top-of-the-line Moto X, it matches it or comes out on top in other areas. The phone has a Snapdragon 810 processor, 3GB of RAM, and 32GB of base storage. It runs fast and smooth, and since it uses a mostly uncustomized version of Android Lollipop, there isn't much to complain about (once you remove Verizon's tacky wallpaper and widget, that is.).
This being a Verizon-exclusive phone, there are other unwanted additions to both software and hardware. There's a Verizon logo on the front and a Droid logo on the back; both are ugly, but I promptly forgot that both existed. There are also nearly two dozen pre-installed apps, almost half of which are from Verizon. Some of the apps you may legitimately want — like the Kindle app or, let's be real, the two Candy Crush clones — but most of it is junk that you'll want to get rid of. And, unfortunately, you'll have to if you buy this phone in the US, since it’s only sold on Verizon. People living elsewhere can avoid the nuisance and pick up a Moto X Force.
The Turbo 2 has one other standout feature: its battery. Like past Droid phones, the Turbo 2 is supposed to last for 48 hours on a single charge, and — like past Droid phones — it doesn't quite make it to that estimate. In my time with the Turbo 2, it's regularly lasted through two "days": from the morning of one day to the evening of the following day, but not quite a full 48 hours. I'd put it closer to 36-40 hours, depending on your usage. On one exceptionally heavy day of use — including at least a couple hours playing Hearthstone — I brought the battery down to 10 percent in around 14 hours.
That's an impressive battery life for any phone, but let it be known that "two days" is, for the most part, a useless milestone. Are you really not going to plug your phone in every other night? All that matters is that the Turbo 2 makes it through a full day of heavy use, and that's a milestone most phones don't actually meet. Motorola may overshoot a bit on battery capacity here, but I can trust that the Turbo 2 won't die when I need it most.